Stop Nant Mithil energy park

Statutory consultation

In late May Bute Energy progressed its flagship Nant Mithil Energy Park to the formal stage by holding a statutory consultation. To that end a promotional brochure and a revised web site with approximately 1500 pages of technical documents was released and 3 consultations were held, staffed largely by bought in technical “experts” with little knowledge of the area concerned or wider issues. No directors of Bute Energy or the Nant Mithil Energy Park bothered to attend. The overall impression was that the company was treating the consultation as a tick box exercise rather than an opportunity to hear the concerns of those in the areas affected.

The statutory consultation ended on June 24th 2024 and over 700 responses were received by the company. Thank you to all who took the trouble to respond with their questions and concerns. As this was a statutory consultation the company are obliged to deal with these responses in detail in a consultation report to PEDW as part of the planning process.

Unless another consultation is necessary to deal with changes, the next stage is for the company to formally apply to PEDW for planning permission. They have indicated that this will be in late autumn. We will update this page when this is done with information on how to respond.