Public meeting - the future of our countryside
PUBLIC MEETING: Saturday 16th March 2024 at 11am St Peter’s Civic Hall, Carmarthen
The future of our countryside – Carmarthenshire “Garden of Wales” no more?
With speakers: Rt. Hon. Simon Hart MP, Jonathan Edwards MP and Rachel Evans, Countryside Alliance.
Come and join us at 11am at St Peter’s Civic Hall on Saturday 16th March 2024 to discuss the future of our countryside and what we can do about it.
Over the next decade our countryside in Carmarthenshire is due to see enormous change. The Welsh Government is passing policy which will radically alter our landscapes, farms and rural way of life forever.
Our county is facing unprecedented industrialisation. Due to the targets set by Welsh Government in Cardiff; a third of our county has been “pre-assessed” as acceptable for large-scale wind energy generation in the National Development Plan: Future Wales 2040.
This means more pylons chains, more and larger wind turbines, acres of solar farms and battery storage plants covering our hillsides. Developed by global energy firms, not community organisations. Carmarthenshire residents are set to feel the brunt of the impact – but we will gain next to nothing of the benefits.
The Welsh Government’s Sustainable Farming Scheme (SFS) threatens to rip the heart out of the rural farming economy undermining our farms which have sustained our language and culture for generations.
CRAiG has called this public meeting to bring people together in Carmarthenshire who are concerned about these changes who want to ensure our most important landscapes and ways of life are preserved. Our culture, heritage and language must be protected for future generations.
We have started by calling for the Tywi Valley to be considered for AONB / National Landscape Designation. There is much more to be done. We hope you can join us on the 16th March.
Carmarthenshire Residents Action Group