Campaigning to save the Welsh countryside from industrialisation
Don’t break the Heart of Wales
Nature and biodiversity in the historic Welsh hills is being threatened by a new industrial revolution
Our mission is to save our landscape and environment from large scale wind farms by promoting less damaging alternative forms of renewable generation and energy saving schemes
We believe renewables can play an important part in reducing the impact of man made emissions on climate change but it is not necessary to destroy the environment to achieve this. We need to RE-think our approach to energy
Offshore Turbines
The UK has an ever growing number of Off Shore Turbines. Soon these will be able to produce all that the UK needs.
Alternative Renewables
Wind is not the only source of renewable energy. Find out some of the alternatives and why we believe they should be considered
Using less energy
The simplest and often the cheapest way of reducing our demand on the National Grid is to use less energy
Community Energy Schemes
Local communities can get together and benefit from their own Energy Generation Scheme
Ready to take the next step?
Whether you're most comfortable contributing time to help achieve our aims, money to help us grow, or energy to put political pressure on our politicians to change, we need you on our team.